Life In Ceremony, Shamans Directory Online Live Event, 25 May 2024

19 May 2024
Life In Ceremony, Shamans Directory Online Live Event, 25 May 2024

"Today is the best day to be in ceremony" ~ Master Puma. A teaching Tribute to Master Puma Fredy Quispe Singona.

What would your life look like if you chose to live every day in ceremony, bringing beauty and balance to all of life around you? In the Western world, we tend to do a lot of consuming, without being conscious about offering something back to our communities and the earth for all that we receive.

Join Shamans Directory founding member Mayumi Beckers for this session in honor of Master Puma Fredy Quispe Singona, where we will explore Andean teachings that guide us, so that we ourselves can become offerings, both energetically and in the way that we live our lives.

At any given moment, there are many thousands of people across the planet who are in ceremony. When we join this global ceremony, it raises our individual and collective frequency, allowing us to bring that healing energy to ourselves and those around us. In this session you will learn that we are all crystal beings, children of the sun, multidimensional beings who are fully empowered as part of the sacred geometry of nature and the Universe.

Watch the REPLAY link to the recording:

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