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frequently asked Questions

Who is shamanic earth based medicine for?

Shamanic earth-based medicine is for everyone who is open to the world of ancient, alternative and holistic practices as a natural way of healing and prevention of ailments. If you are struggling with unhealthy relationships at work or at home, trauma, stress, anxiety, fear, anger, grief, depression, shame or low self-worth, chronic pain or illness, addiction, obesity or poor diet, big life change, spiritual crisis or end of life concerns, or any issues that has persisted without a lasting solution, then shamanic earth-based medicine can greatly assist you in your healing process. Addressing the root cause of illness at the levels of body, mind, soul and spirit, shamanic healing compliments modern medicine and therapy, and is not to be considered as a substitute.

How do you notice the effects of shamanic healing

Shamanic energy medicine works at a deeper ‘unseen’ level, and the results can be noticed from subtle signals of lightness to clear perceived transformation. For example, you may sleep better, feel lighter, or find yourself humming after a session. You may experience that a form of physical pain completely disappears, a relationship improves through a healthier way of response, or a major event happens synchronistically in your life. It is also possible to sense some emotional turbulence on your healing journey as some things need to escalate a bit before settling. Whenever heavy stuck energy has been removed, your system needs some time and space for appropriate adjustments to find its balance. In order to support you in this transformative process, you will be provided with shamanic nature-based practices that you can apply in your every day life when facing any difficulties or challenges.

How do I prepare myself for a shamanic healing?

From the moment you book your session, the shamanic energy work begins. I will ask you to focus on your intention for the work and pay attention to what happens physically, mentally and emotionally within you, in your relations, and events around you, as well as in your dreamtime. I will ask you to eat and drink a clean diet before and after the session with a minimum of 24-48 hours. This means that you need to refrain from alcohol or any form of recreational drugs. If you are experiencing addiction, please let me know so that we can further discuss your circumstances.

During a session, it is common to experience physical sensations, movements in the body, feeling cold or hot, emotions that are surfacing and ready to be released, old memories, visions and intuitive messages. Come with an open mind and heart, surrender yourself to the process and to the world of Spirit, and be receptive to what your psyche has to show you. Make sure that you have planned an easy-going day after your session. Be gentle with yourself, drink plenty of water, and allow yourself some time in nature. It is important to integrate some new behavior and practices into your life, so you and I will create some homework together to reinforce and support the energetic changes in your life.  

An invitation to step onto your
truest path