My work focuses on clearing the energy body so that you can manifest your fullest potential. This is done by transforming heavy into light energy, and creating clear pathways for the healthy flow of life-force energy. Together we will work at four different levels; body, mind, soul and spirit, using the mesa medicine bundle from the Inca wisdom traditions of Peru. I would be delighted to take you on this healing journey, to support you in attaining a balanced lifestyle and living your true nature. If you’re feeling stuck and you can’t see a way forward, you might want to consider trying energy medicine. I am well studied in my field as a Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner, and the work I do is complementary to mainstream medicine. In fact, it is a natural way of healing that has been around for millennia.
Everything I do is done with your permission and by connecting with your highest self for the highest good of all. The beauty of this work is that although I will be assisting you along the way, ultimately, you will be the one who will be doing the healing work. You will do this using the power of intention and the energy that is your life force — a power that exists in each one of us. Working with me is a journey of co-creation towards a more meaningful, fulfilling and inspiring life. A life that begins within you, and is then reflected outward, touching everyone and everything around you.
Depending on what is required, sessions may include; imprint clearing, chakra illumination, chakra rebalancing, decoupling, divination, power animal retrieval, soul retrieval, shadow work, dream work, energy extraction, cord cutting, ancestral healing, soul transition, Haywariquy or Despacho offerings, Karpays or rites, nutritional detoxing, and space clearing. The energetic healing services listed below tend to be the ones used most frequently. They are for descriptive purposes only and are not meant as a guide for self-diagnosis.
A typical session will consists of several of the following. Which ones are used will be determined within the session, the journey, and the process itself. After the session you will receive hands-on tools for integration to reinforce your new energetic shift. The integration will include practices at the four different archetypal levels; cleansing the body and letting go of old skin at the level of serpent, moving through the shadow to the light at the level of jaguar, nourishing the soul with ceremonies and rituals at the level of hummingbird, and broadening your perceptions at the level of eagle/condor.
The luminous energy field (LEF), also known as the light energy body, is central to the work of energy medicine. This luminous matrix envelops and informs our physical, mental, psychic and spiritual bodies. It is connected to our energy centers or chakras, central spine, and nervous system, and thus to our organs and body systems. Imprints in the field carry information like codes, which can gradually lead to imbalance and disease over time. These imprints can be rooted in generational weaknesses, traumatic events, and even issues from previous lifetimes. These imprints are like magnets, attracting reoccurring toxic incidents, experiences, and people. Clearing these imprints raises the quality of the energy field, improving the quality of the person’s health and ultimately their path in life.
Imprint clearing and illumination go hand in hand. Illumination is the foundation of all my healing practices. The illumination process repairs a person’s luminous energy field so that healing can begin. Negative imprints can take a toll on a person’s life force and are identified and treated through the energy centers or chakras. Once the heavy energies have been released, the chakra is overwritten with new information. That new information consists of pure divine light, which re-informs the luminous energy body as a whole, allowing physical and emotional healing to accelerate. The illumination process improves the quality of the entire system, informing the body, the mind, and the soul.
Chakras, known as Ñawi's in the Andean mystical tradition, are energetic centers that are connected to the spinal cord. A healthy balanced flow of energy from the chakras feeds your entire physical, mental, psychic and spiritual systems. For most people, however, the chakras gradually become filled with energetic debris that obstructs the free flow of energy. Black meteorite stones, called Chumpi (belt) stones, may be used for a type of energetic healing that connects the person with energy from the star constellations and the river of light. Each chumpi stone represents an archetype with specific strengths to clear, cleanse, and open the chakra. The chumpi stones then further strengthen the belts around the energetic body of the person, protecting the energy field and energy centres.
Resetting the fight-or-flight mechanism is a basic, yet profound practice to bring the frequencies of the body and the brain back in tune with the pulse of the earth. The decoupling practice puts the person into a deep state of relaxation, turning off (resetting) the automatic responses of fight-flight-freeze-fawn often triggered by stressful situations, experiences, and memories. Decoupling retunes the heart and sacral energy centres so the person’s world becomes safe again. A decoupling makes a person sleep better and is a recommended treatment for everyone, young and old. When someone’s flight-or-flight system has been activated over time, it can become a deeply ingrained neurological pattern, and the person may need several sessions of decoupling to quiet the HPA -axis (Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal), which is the centre of the stress response system.
Divination is the art of seeing, tracking and interpreting the signs that Spirit is giving us. It is used to assess situations, sense any blockages, and open the doorways to a person’s authentic, destined path. Divination further helps with activating, anchoring and aligning a person energetically with their soul’s purpose. I use several methods for divination: journeying into the spirit world to retrieve information by using the sound of a drum and a rattle or by being in a quiet meditative state, by offering intuitive readings with oracle cards, leaves, or stones to discern insights, by reading the signs and symbols in nature, by tuning into the the chakras and the four archetypal levels, the physical, emotional, psychic, and energetic bodies.
Everyone has a power animal as an ally to support us in navigating the challenges of life. Often, however, this animal power has been lost. A power animal retrieval helps to restore that essential power (note, anima means soul). Our power animal allows us to learn from our life experiences, to connect with our spirit allies, and assists us in making better decisions on our path to healing. Every power animal has different traits. Their meaning can be different and personal for each person. A power animal retrieval will give the person gradually direction to their soul’s purpose in life.
Soul retrieval is a powerful transformative practice for bringing lost soul fragments back to the original self. The most common cause of soul loss is trauma. This occurs when a part of a person’s soul has fragmented off and hidden itself away as a protective measure, due to a traumatic event that was too painful to experience or witness. Soul loss can also happen when a person gives a part of their soul away without knowing — as in an unbalanced relationship with another person, organisation or institution. Symptoms of soul loss may include feelings of not being present, incomplete, disconnected, empty, depressed, numbed, tired, or stuck. Soul loss can manifest in a range of ways, from a chronic illness or an addiction, to ongoing debilitating emotions such as sadness or anger. A soul retrieval recovers these lost soul fragments so that a person becomes energetically more whole again. Often this empowers gifts that have been forgotten and resets a person onto the path of their authentic destiny, where new possibilities for a future that would not have otherwise occurred become clear.
We all have traits that we like about ourselves, traits that we are not so confident about, and traits that we may not have awareness of that are invisible to us — the parts of ourselves that we repress, hide, or ignore. Most often, the shadow manifests as triggers; strong emotional reactions that we haven’t fully dealt with, but bubble up to the surface under the given circumstances. It is at these times that the shadow is asking to be seen, accepted, and healed. Shadow work is a great way to uncover the hidden, unconscious parts of ourselves that need attention, and honour them so that we can live and thrive with more clarity and authenticity. The shadow is the rejected parts of ourselves, the parts of ourselves that we don’t love. Rejection of these parts is often caused by negative childhood experiences, and retrieving them can reunite us with a storehouse of untapped creative potential. As we integrate these parts of the shadow (the heavy living energies) and bring them into our conscious awareness, we transform them into light living energies, and we become more whole and therefore more self-empowered. Shadow work is essential for personal growth to help becoming the best version of yourself.
“Who looks outside dreams, who looks inside awakens,” — Carl Jung. Inner dream work is for those who want to explore the unconscious and the creative power of dreams. Dreams reveal the inner wishes, secrets and messages of the soul, offering us rich and invaluable information and inviting our interpretation. They can support us to answer complex questions and are the most helpful tools for use in our personal development. If there is a repetitive dream, a lucid dream, or a dream leaving the dreamer with unpleasant feelings and emotions, dreamwork may be introduced. We look into the images, feelings, and experiences that have presented themselves in the dream, and define what they truly mean to the dreamer, in order to enhance the path of self-empowerment, transformation, and healing.
In the extraction process, energy that is not authentic to the essential self is removed from the luminous energy field. When a foreign energy nestles into the energy body, this can lead to imbalance, blockage, discomfort, and even disease. If the person’s luminous energy field is leaking or weakened, it can attract foreign energies, simply from negative thought forms which can intrude the energy body. Whether this has been created by the person them self, another person, a group of people, the culture or media environment, these energetic forces can easily penetrate the energy body unnoticeably. Most of the energies are not bad energies, however any intrusive energy is misplaced and needs removal. Extracting the energy allows space for light energy to enter the person’s energy field and healing is facilitated.
Another form of energy extraction is cord cutting. When a toxic emotional bond between two people, a group of people, an organisation or system needs to be released, cord cutting is required. This may involve co-dependent relationships, or other harmful, imbalanced ties that result in a person becoming trapped in heavy emotions or unhealthy belief systems. While there are naturally also healthy cords between family members and loved ones, the focus here is to remove the toxic cords that drain a person’s energy. Unhealthy cords can restrict our vitality by keeping us hooked into relationships and associated behaviors that are in need of review. By removing the cords a person can release the grip of the past, move fully into the present, and create a more desirable path that reflects their truest self.
We all have ancestors. Some are the source of good fortune and protection, while others hinder us with their legacy of injustice, abuse, suffering, scarcity and disease. Trans-generational wounds (or curses) like cancer, heart disease, depression, abandonment, addiction, and so on, are problems that run in families and they can hang on for generations. Along with the legacy of our biological ancestors, we carry the imprints of present-day society, and our modern culture. With ancestral healing, a person has the opportunity to heal their ancestral line from the past, to the present, and into the future, freeing them from family karma so their children’s children don’t have to relive the same predisposed patterns of incidents, tragedies, and illness. We remove unhealthy ties and contracts, heal the deceased souls of family members, and solve unfinished business on behalf of the ancestors.
Dying consciously is a ceremonial practice to help our loved ones transition to a safe place at the time of death or afterwards. This sacred work provides the dying person, as well as their close family members and friends, with practices to support them and ease their fears. These practices may include: making the luminous energy field lighter, cleansing and illuminating the chakras, preparing for an experiential spirit flight, or recapitulations and reconciliations in relationships that need to be expressed and resolved for healing. It is also possible that a deceased loved one is earth-bound and stuck in the physical realm, due to a sudden unexpected death, a deep attachment to someone, or some piece of unfinished business. Helping the person to cross over, to be liberated and healed is a true gift for anyone who is dying or in the transitioning process.
Whether you have moved into a new home, are looking to sell your property, or there is something about your place that doesn’t feel quite right, space and land clearing may be the answer to bring back harmony and balance. As we work on our inner self, improving our outer environment — the conditions we live in — will forward our healing as well. Some areas or spaces suffer from geopathic stress, traumatised energy, or excessive exposure of electric and magnetic fields (EMF). Using a combination of shamanic, plant medicine, and energy clearing techniques from around the world, the chi or energy flow of a home, property or piece of land may be re-balanced, re-energised, and blessed.
Detoxifying the body, the gut, and the brain is one of the foundational practices for building physical, mental and spiritual health. The detox programme that I offer is based on the work of Dr. Alberto Villoldo, Dr. Mark Hyman, and Dr. David Perlmutter. Using a combination of intermittent fasting, ketonic dieting and nutritional up-regulators, the person will be encouraged to maintain a healthy plant-based diet complemented with healthy proteins, supplements, vitamins and minerals. The detox programme assists in repairing the mitochondria in the cells as well as recycling matured cells to tackle inflammation. This helps to prevent chronic illness, switches on longevity genes, and strengthens the gut flora, allowing us to create psychosomatic health, and to grow a new body that ages, heals and dies differently.
All of life is a ceremony. Every day is a perfect day to be lived, to be celebrated, to be in ceremony, and to honour life. Every moment is the right moment to express gratitude, and to give back to nature, our family, loved ones and community in a reciprocal way. Each conscious step forward in our lives is an opportunity to give thanks to Mother Earth for all that she has generously given to us, and all the nature beings and spirit allies for their continued guidance, support, love and infinite wisdom. Ceremonies assist us in bringing forth our ideas, visions and healings, and are a beautiful way to mark and honour the rites of passages in life (coming-of-age) from birth, to puberty, to adulthood, job accomplishment, marriage, death and transition. In our Western culture, we have largely forgotten to practice rituals at momentous and transformative events in our lives. These are times when it would be to our highest and best advantage to take a moment to stand still, let go of the old, and step into a new upgraded versions of ourselves. In our work together we will do this in ceremony at personal events and at cosmic cycles, and learn how to integrate the practice into our everyday lives.
A Haywariquy or Despacho is a beautiful ceremonial tradition offered to us by the Q’ero people of the High Andes in Peru. I offer the Ayni Haywariquy (ayni is a Quechua word meaning sacred reciprocity) as a part of my practice. An Ayni Haywariquy is a sacred offering to Mother Earth asking for balance and reciprocity with Her and all living beings. It is a simple yet powerful tool for transformation. When applied to a person’s healing, it helps us to let go of blocked energies and opens up space to bring desirable energies into the field. This ceremonial offering is made up of natural, biodegradable elements, each carefully placed with energetic intent and symbolic meaning to create a sacred living mandala. Once the offering is wrapped up, it is then brought to the fire, to the earth or to the running waters so the energetic transformation, healing and rebalancing can start taking place. Our garden is a perfect setting to hold fire ceremonies, thus, I offer that space when a person needs this sort of support and a witness.
In the Andean traditions the Hatun Karpay rites are considered as the ‘Great Initiations’ to connect with the Andean path and the powerful energies from natural forces and spirit beings. There are three Karpays that can be given, with a minimum of six months in between. The Munay Karpay awakens the inner love and the nectar of the heart center with the purpose to love under your will. This is followed by the Yatchay Karpay to open the third eye center for the power of wisdom, vision and intelligence in order to bring clarity in our lives. The Llankay Karpay activates the belly center to be in greater service for humanity, Mother Earth, and all existing living energies. Each Karpay is like a seed of light that gets planted in our energetic centers. Once received, we have the responsibility to nurture the seeds in order that they might grow to full blossoming. The Hatun Karpay will guide you to deep inner transformation on your spiritual path in the Andean medicine way. The second and third initiation will be offered if you feel that this is truly your path. I have been trained to give the Hatun Karpays by the Paqos at Serena Anchanchu.
You are welcome at my practice in person in Rossum along the river Waal or we can plan a video call on Zoom. As there is no distance in the energetic realm, my sessions are easily available to you virtually, no matter where you live on this beautiful planet.
Sessions usually take between 2-2.5 hours, depending on the time needed for a thorough intake and any deeper work required during the session. While we aim to get the most out of a single session, I often recommend to do a series of three sessions or more for the most effective outcome. I also offer a package of seven sessions at a reduced rate, designed to support you to integrate changes in your life.
I am happy to offer tailor made workshops with teachings for groups of up to twelve people. Group sessions might include: working with the elements and essences, rites and ceremonies, shamanic practices for everyday life. Please let me know your request and I will craft something for you.
Prices are available on request for other currencies. If you are unable to pay the full amount, please let me know. Payment plans are available. I do not want a lack of funds to get in the way of anyone’s healing, especially during these turbulent and transformative times.
My preliminary diagnostics and session follow-up work are included in the price of your session. All prices include 21% tax.
Regular session pricing: 180 euro. Each session lasts approximately 2-2.5 hours.
Seven-session package: 1150 euro. Each session must take place within 3 weeks of the previous one.
Coaching and between-session calls: 75 euro per hour. Calls last 30-60 minutes.
Payment is required prior to each session. This is non-refundable, although it may be used in the case that rescheduling is necessary. If you cannot make a session, please give me at least 24 hour notice.