Apu Wachuma, also known as San Pedro, is revered as the Ancient Master of Light and Crystal Clear Medicine. This master plant connects us with the light essence of Spirit and supports us in transcending any form of heaviness within sacred time and sacred space. I am deeply grateful for my recent Dieta experience, which allowed me to dive deeper into myself and receive wisdom, medicine, and healing from such a masterful medicinal plant.
For some years, I have communed with Apu Wachuma at the level of Spirit before having the opportunity to partake of his medicine. As Master Puma Fredy Quispe Singona is teaching us, the remarkable thing about this sacred plant is that you don’t necessarily need to consume it to receive its benefits. Through sacred communion, programming, and intent you can also receive assistance from this plant spirit ally.
My shamanic practice began with energetically connecting to spirit guides and the plant spirits growing in our home and garden, such as aloe, rosemary, sage, lavender, mint, thyme, dandelion, daisy, rose, birch, and ginkgo. I listened to their messages and sensed the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual properties that each of them have to support us in our healing.
Over time, I have worked with plant medicine spirits to cleanse the body as well as the physical space energetically. In prayer, I ask for their support when making ceremonial waters, tinctures, oils, herbal baths, smudges, and sacred Despacho or Haywariquy offerings, as well as during shamanic energy healings for clients.
My library of plants has grown, yet I still have much to learn. This fall, I am beginning a four-year herbal medicine study in order to work more efficiently and beautifully with plant medicine and plant spirits, to further integrate them into my shamanic healing sessions. The plant spirits and my teachers have confirmed this path for me, as I follow the footsteps of my grandfather, who was an apothecary, in my own shamanic way.
From the Q’ero and Paqo Masters in the Andes, I have learned the importance of deep connection with all of nature, supporting family and community at the physical, psychological, and spiritual levels. Many of these healers are masters of working with Sacharuna, the plant kingdom that thrives in the sacred, spirited landscapes that occur all across our Pachamama, the Mother of all mothers.