For my first post I am sharing a little bit about my own journey to shamanic earth-based wisdom.
Shamanic earth-based traditions are ancient teachings and practices that have existed across the continents since the beginning of time, and yet they have been widely forgotten and overlooked by the modern world. Shamanic wisdom and medicine has been preserved for centuries because it is still relevant, practical, and effective today.
The past several years on planet earth have been tumultuous, culminating centuries of prophecy foretelling that we must return to living in right-relationship with the earth. Humanity has been turned upside down and shaken out as if from a long dreamless sleep. Slowly, finally, we are awakening and many of us are listening as never before.
In these changing and transformative times, we are individually and collectively being asked to evolve; to awaken and remember our original authenticity, to move from separation to collaboration, from indulgence to reciprocity, from ownership to stewardship, and from the mundane to the sacred. We are called to come home to ourselves.
Our home is the earth and all of the natural world around us. Communion with nature and Spirit is at the core of shamanic earth-based wisdom and medicine, serving as a bridge that links humanity with nature. We are not separate from nature, we are nature itself. We can be all guided by nature if we are willing to open ourselves up to her and receive her energy, support and messages. Each one of us has Nature Parents (geographical landmarks or locations in nature) based on where we were born on this magnificent and beautiful planet.
When we develop a relationship with our Nature Parents and other Nature Beings from our birth place and the location where we are currently living, our perception can become far more conscious in terms of the way we see them, feel them, and sense them, appreciating all of their generous and unconditional beauty, wisdom, power, support, and presence.
Whenever I go to the North Sea, I sense her as my great beloved Nature Mother, where I feel at home, healed and nourished. When I am at the Scheveningse Bosjes (Bushes), my Nature Father, he reminds me that we are able to transform our fears and wounds into powerful medicine. It was only meeting and knowing my Nature Father, that finally helped me to make sense of a traumatic bicycling accident I had when I was young. Deep down I knew that there was a reason for the trauma, and now I can see that it was part of a pre-destined path that was preparing me for becoming the healer that I am today.
Knowing our Nature Father and Mother as guiding parents of the natural world can offer wisdom and medicine for all of us across many situations in our lives. Each one of us is a unique drop of the divine, a sacred seed, integral to the unified whole. Shamanic earth-based medicine invites us to awaken our sacred seed of consciousness, to do our part in the collective web of life, assist in the healing of ourselves and the world around us.
Let this be your invitation to develop a loving and reciprocal connection with the natural forces and beings around you.